“Know your customer first” is a great strength, especially if you are a start-up that is entering, or has recently entered the market. Thanks to CRM, everyone in the start-up has access to the most up-to-date and important knowledge about your customers. CRM software allows start-ups to manage their ever-growing contact list and allows you to divide and track responsibilities among the available human resources.
So, let’s understand why start-ups must use CRM for achieving success and growth:
It is true, however, that softwares such as CRM, Mailer, and project management tools can have important costs that not all startups can afford. So, what to do?
Use HUI, a single tool, tons of apps for you!
For example, with HUI you can:
Furthermore, with HUI, you can track your business opportunities and win rates, you can evaluate your goals and results, and you can show them to your investors in real time. That can be useful to boost your fundraising campaign.
HUI is an actual virtual Office Space and ERP -everything you need is in a single environment, no need for extra customizations and consultants to integrate them.
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