4 reasons why start-ups must use CRM for success and growth

“Know your customer first” is a great strength, especially if you are a start-up that is entering, or has recently entered the market. Thanks to CRM, everyone in the start-up has access to the most up-to-date and important knowledge about your customers. CRM software allows start-ups to manage their ever-growing contact list and allows you to divide and track responsibilities among the available human resources

So, let’s understand why start-ups must use CRM for achieving success and growth:

  • Easily generate and manage your sales leads
    Start-ups rely on various channels to generate leads, such as websites, social media, email campaigns, cold calls, etc. Using CRM allows you to track lead history by providing consistent and accurate data. For example, you can easily keep an up-to-date database and track your awareness campaigns via email. With an email tracking system, you can find out when a recipient opens your email, how many times your email has been opened and so on.
  • Make good use of customer information
    Thanks to a CRM, you can organize and manage your contacts in a disciplined and centralized way. This makes it easy to access customer information easily, helping you better understand customer journey and preferences. This information is useful for the whole team: from customer feedback, you can discover many things not only of interest to the marketing dept, but also to the product.
  • Stay transparent with your colleagues
    A CRM is the best tool for getting your team on the same page and transparently sharing responsibilities. This significantly increases your team’s productivity and working efficiency, which in turn allows you to deliver a stronger customer satisfaction. Plus, startups generally have a distributed workforce, some of their members may work from California, and some may be based in Italy, so a good CRM must offer transparency
  • Lesser dependency on the physical presence of an employer
    What happens when your star employee goes on vacation and he can’t be reached? If you don’t have a tool to work in sharing and full visibility, the whole flow of your sales process can get lost! But, as mentioned in the previous point, CRM comes to your aid. Everything is visible to everyone, so you can conveniently manage and track any contact, reassign or delegate ownership to someone else without any setbacks.

It is true, however, that softwares such as CRM, Mailer, and project management tools can have important costs that not all startups can afford. So, what to do?

Use HUI, a single tool, tons of apps for you!

For example, with HUI you can:

  1. Import all your contacts manually, or via Excel sheets, and organize them according to preset fields, adding tags to facilitate your search and have a more detailed targeting of your lists;
  2. Implement lead generation, lead nurturing and increase sales opportunities by sending personalized emails to all the contacts in your database;
  3. Manage all newsletters by automating them and scheduling the date and time of sending. View campaign results in real time thanks to open, conversion and interaction rate data;
  4. Plan and manage in a structured way all the tasks, yours and your team, to always be on the same page.

Furthermore, with HUI, you can track your business opportunities and win rates, you can evaluate your goals and results, and you can show them to your investors in real time. That can be useful to boost your fundraising campaign

HUI is an actual virtual Office Space and ERP -everything you need is in a single environment, no need for extra customizations and consultants to integrate them

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