Effective project management can make or break a startup’s success

As a startup founder, you’re pulled in lots of different directions. You probably are the CEO, the marketing guru, the head of sales, and the entire HR department at the same time. 

In other words, there is an awful lot already on the table, and the more your business grows, the harder it gets to take projects across the finish line.

How can I handle everything?”, you may wonder.

Even if a dedicated project manager isn’t in the budget, you can’t afford to keep operating without a strategy. Startups report that 67% more of their projects completely fail when they underestimate their project management needs.

The good news is that you don’t need to hire a professional project manager to get things done. You can get more done and grow faster with some basic understanding and the right tool.

Effective project management keeps your team connected so everyone focuses on the right priorities at the right times. Your team can find the information they need, and you can trust that the most important tasks will get done on time.

The right project management strategy makes you more likely to succeed.

With the right project management methodology, you get your products to market faster and spend less of your resources to do it. Remember: startups have few resources, so wasting any could be deadly. Blasting 4 hours of the time of the founder could be equivalent to wasting 50% of the productivity of the organization for the given day in the very early startup stages!

Managing your own projects is tough, but doable.

Thanks to HUI you can plan and manage Milestone and ToDo in a structured way, without wasting time. You will have an updated view of closed, ongoing, and planned activities, so as not to lose the orientation of the objectives of your company.

  • The big picture: Projects

Organize all the projects of your startup. Get a complete overview of all open projects. You will be able to filter them based on the standard fields.

  • What to do, strategically speaking? Activities

Each project can be divided into activities. Organize all related activities and link each activity to a specific company function (and to the relevant person in charge)

  • Go into the details: Milestone

Now you know strategically all the activities to be carried out, but how can they be slipped? Milestone. Specify these milestones to complete an activity, give them a deadline, and assign them to the different members of your team.

  • Be practical! ToDo

ToDos are the new sticky notes. Forget the paper diary and plan what to do daily with HUI. This way, you can also see which tasks other team members are working on.

Now you may be wondering “why HUI if there are already many other project management tools?” The answer is simple: In HUI, in addition to planning your tasks, you also complete them. Without the need for any other expensive tools or complex integrations.
From crowdfunding to marketing, from human resources to supplier management.

Forget a thousand different tools, tabs open on your pc, and extra costs. There is HUI. What else?

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